Narrative Perspectives In Michael Gow's Play 'Away'

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“Discoveries can be confronting and provocative. Their impact can be transformative” Discoveries can often cause individuals to challenge their own perspective on themselves and the outside world. Discoveries are confronting and provocative changes in an individuals view and perception. This can lead to depression of the characters older destructive values and learn to adopt new views on the world. Michael Gow’s play ‘Away’ story follows three Families living in Australia who are brought together by a storm, as a result of the storm they discover new moral’s and new friends. Gows play includes themes such as depression, grief and dysfunctional families. Discoveries can be traumatic, confronting and shocking; they can lead to an acquisition of a more in depth knowledge of themselves, others and the outer world; this can conflict with an individuals perception of the world. …show more content…

Past experiences have shaped her current personality. Gwens needs for stability and tangibly signs of economic security now come from having a very materialistic lifestyle. Gwen’s fears of losing her tangible belongings is symbolic for her personal worth and social status. Therefore she ignores any family who isn’t as wealthy and successful as her family is, for example Tom’s parents who have come from England, ‘No one asked them to come out to this country , I will not have you hanging around with that kind of life. Meg (Gwen’s daughter) believes that her mothers behavior after their show is ‘awful’ which comes as a shock to Gwen. Her ignorance cuts her off from her daughter and others. Gwen is a bully with a insensitive disregard for the feelings of others. Her emotional outbursts portray her rude nature while hinting that there is an underlying reason for her indecent and poor

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