Narrative Essay On Jeffrey Dahmer

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It was a quiet late afternoon as I stepped out onto the front porch and felt the cool breeze of the fall wind; it was a perfect time of day to take a walk. Hurrying across the porch and down the steps I inserted my ear buds into my ears, pressed play on the music app, and tucked my phone into my sweatshirt front pocket. I listened to the voice of Adam Lambert singing ‘Time for Miracles’ as I strolled to the end of the driveway. Upon reaching it I took a right, which was my normal route whenever I went for a walk. I walked for about thirty minutes when I realized that I was no longer on a street that I recognized. Shutting my music off, I spun around several times to view my surroundings, but nothing was familiar to me. I did not recall taking …show more content…

He turned and looked at me in terror. Who would think a man who seemed to have no fear when it came to luring in young men and killing them would be so uneasy in a social setting. Yet, I had compassion for him knowing his childhood was to him a rough path. “Please, come sit down with the others. Tonight there will be no judging based on character.” I said as I reached out my hand to show I was not afraid. After a moment of scanning the others in the room and then myself, he took my hand and together we walked over to the farmers’ table and sat down. He sat next to Kelley and I next to him. I reached for a large pitcher of ice water and poured us both a glass. “Would you care to join us?” Prince Poppycock said to the Kid and Lovecraft. “Don’t mind if we do.” said the Kid as he made his way over to the table and sat next to Anne with Lovecraft right behind …show more content…

My idea of decorating is NOT cute black cats and ghosts holding hands in a circle, I prefer graveyards and 6 foot animated horror story characters with smoke weighed down by dry ice to give it that eerie feeling. Body parts left in puddles of blood and insane asylum characters screaming at the top of their lungs. This is why H.P. Lovecraft, Anne Rice, and Kelley Armstrong are present. All 3 incorporated the supernatural in their writings. H.P. Lovecraft, the father of modern horror, combined supernatural horror with imaginative theories of Science fiction. Anne Rice, the gothic writer, whose Vampire series focuses on the lifestyles and beliefs of several unusual vampires. Kelley Armstrong whose, otherworld series concentrates on the werewolf and the family structure of this

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