Narrative Essay On Driving Home

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Driving home yesterday, I was reflecting on the upcoming Father’s Day weekend. I was thanking the Lord for my wife, Rebecca and daughters, Madison and Caitlin. I am so blessed to have them in my life and and to be a husband and father. Everyday, I look forward to coming home to them - particularly after a difficult day at work. I drive home with anticipation to see them as I walk through the door - or, better yet when they greet me as I pull up to the house - and spending the evening with them. Call me weird, or strange, but I actually enjoy spending time with my wife and girls. Sure, there are times when I need a quiet moment to myself, but for the most part, I really want them around. This past weekend we took a vacation to the Phoenix (technically …show more content…

I have heard of guys who purposely choose to work late hours just so they do not have be home. Or, they spend all their time “hanging out” with their buddies, playing sports, or send their kids to bed early in order evade their family. I just think that is so sad and it clearly indicates that these men do not know what it is to be a husband or father. While there is nothing wrong with having some time to ourselves, it should never be too frequent or at the expense of our family. Our wives need us. Our children need us. They need us around and participating in their …show more content…

For the most part, I think my daughters and I have similar taste. But, I have been extra cognizant to show more interest in the things that they like. For me, this idea was solidified this past weekend on our trip. We go to meet an awesome family at the Supernatural Convention. The father, Greg Andrews spent the last three years rebuilding a 1967 Chevy Impala with his daughter, Jamie. Jamie, like Madison, is a fan of Supernatural. So She and her dad rebuilt, “Charlie” to exactly resemble the 67 Impala, “Baby” that the main characters drive around. Now, Jaime, Greg, and his wife Shirley show it off at conventions -and you can tell that they all enjoy it. I think that is so awesome! It really impressed on my heart the importance of making sure that I take the time to display an interest in the same things that my girls do. And it shouldn't really matter what that is - though I bet Maddy wishes it would be to rebuild a 67 Impala to resemble

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