Narrative Essay On Dishwashing

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A list of chores is pinned to the refrigerator to complete before my mother gets home from work. So far, I have vacuumed the carpet, cleaned my room, and swept the floor, but the most excruciating chore remains: washing the dishes. Washing the dishes would be quick and easy if I could stick the filthy dishes in the dishwasher; however, the dishwasher is broken. Instead, the mountain of food-covered dishes will have to be scrubbed clean by hand. I will have to prepare the supplies, scrape off the remaining food, rinse and dry the dishes, and put them back in the cupboards and drawers. Washing the dishes is a messy and burdensome process every household must suffer through, unless they want to eat off of paper plates for the rest of their lives. …show more content…

Mentally preparing myself, I grab the dish soap, drain plug, towel, and sponge. After I have all of my supplies on the counter, I reach under the heaping pile of crusty and slimy plates, pans, pots, silverware, and glasses to place the drain plug in the sink. Next, I fill the sink with hot water to soften the dried food clinging to the dishes. I attempt to not make the water too hot, but usually I fail and nearly burn off my fingertips. Once the water is at an acceptable temperature, I squirt heaps dish soap into the running water until bubbles start to foam over the edge of the sink. To have the slightest bit of enjoyment in the overwise grueling process, I scoop up a hand full of bubbles and give myself a little bubble facial hair to pretend I am

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