Narcissism In Huck Finn

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Huckleberry Finn took part in an great adventure and so did a few characters in the story. Without the characters the story would not be able to progress as quickly as it did. I included details to show each person’s characteristics and how they related with the story with my acrostic poem, my five W’s poem, and my twenty lined poem. In my acrostic poem of Pap Finn, I included several words that describe him along with his characteristics. One word was psychotic because throughout the story, until he died, Pap Finn acted absurd around everyone, including his son. I also included the words abusive and father, considering he was an abusive father. Additionally, I included the words pathetic and Naive on account of Pap did not have smarts, but he had an addiction to alcohol. Pap was ignorant because he was racist like most southerners. He was also self-centered as well as he did not ache for anyone to conclude that his son had more intelligence than he had. That is why I indicated that he was a narcissist. Pap Finn also led to the reason for Huckleberry Finn to runaway. I did the “5 W’s Poem” for Jim’s character because he served an important role in the story. Jim acted as Huck’s companion and his friend throughout Huck’s great adventure. I described Jim as a runaway slave that can be sold like lumber because he lived in the time of slavery and he desired to be free in order to buy his family back. When I said he can be sold like lumber, it directly relates to when he was down the Mississippi river considering that is how they transported lumber before the widespread of trains and vehicles. I also mentioned that he …show more content…

Huckleberry Finn, Pap Finn, and Jim served as main attractions for the story and it’s plot. Without these personalities the story could have not taken place and the “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn” would have not happened. By Brandon

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