Napoleon Bonaparte Dbq

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During the 19th century in Europe I was sitting in my house when I heard someone say that a French military leader wanted to conquer Europe. I thought that was just a rumor than header more people say that so I begin maybe they are giving false rumors. So I thought and begin to ask around later on that day I found out Napoleon Bonaparte. I was so shocked I was like who is he. Then a couple days later I seen him in person. He wanted to have war against coalitlon English nations which he had success at. He expanded his empire. He became the first national leader by the recapturing of French Port Toulon from the British. I was so upset when he came the first national leader. Napoleons first big break. Moved down rebels and saved the new government, the …show more content…

Which he didn’t have much success in because No, after a short victory, the French fleet were defeated in the Battle of the Nile. This led the army stranded. Shortly after Napoleon himself arrived in Egypt, he had to return to France, abandoning his army, to deal with political turmoil. Seeing how napoleon left his army and just left them to sit and die is so wrong as a leader you don’t leave behind the ones who are willing to risk their lives to help you and stand with you because like me I would have left him to die. Than napoleon wanted to start another battle which was called the battle of Battle of Marengo Napoleon barley defeated Austrian forces in northern Italy. His remaining generals finished war against Austria, taking the Austrian Netherlands, northern Italy, and the left bank of the Rhine for France. Shortly napoleon eliminated most church states, free cities and gave their lands to German Princes. Seeing all of this was so upset watching all this going down I was crying because they took the land I have and gave it to the German princes which took me away and took what I wanted most he was so wrong and unfair and very

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