Nancy Mairs Rhetorical Analysis

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In this passage, Nancy Mairs makes it clear that she cares about the names people give her. She prefers the word “cripple,” to describe herself, rather that “handicapped,” and this is show to be true because of the sheer amount that Mairs repeats it. To emphasize this, Mairs uses rhetorical devices, like tone, word choice and comparisons. Mairs manipulates her tone in order to emphasize her urgency of the word cripple. Throughout the whole passage, Mairs seems to be in an annoyed mood. She seems to be “fed-up” with being called anything else but a cripple. “Whatever you call me, I remain crippled.” In addition to the tone of the passage, Mairs uses descriptive words to not only describe herself, but the words like “crippled,” or “disabled.”

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