Nader Vs General Motors Summary

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Ralph Nader was an American political activist, as well as an author, lecturer, and attorney. His career was very profitable until his publication of the book “Unsafe at any speed”. Unsafe at any speed is simply a series of rants towards cars and their inventors. The most important owner that was mentioned was the company called General Motors. They took a specific offense to the mention of one of their prized products. This excerpt that talks of the product completely belittled the positives, and showed the negative aspects. General Motors became infuriated by this book, because of how it made the company appear to its customers. After Nader book had been released for a while, he started experiencing some strange things that were out of the ordinary. Some of the things include: being followed and heavily monitored, threatening phone calls during the night, his friends being …show more content…

General Motors, Nader was the plaintiff and General Motors the defendant. The plaintiff Nader’s argument is that after General Motors learned of his book publication involving their company, they proceeded to intimidate him. Nader had examples of these intimidation tactics being: questioning the Plaintiff’s acquaintances about the Plaintiff’s social, racial, religious and sexual views, kept the Plaintiff under surveillance in public places for an unreasonable amount of time, causing him to be accosted by girls to trap him into illicit relationships, made threatening, harassing and obnoxious telephone calls, tapped his telephone and eavesdropped on his private conversations by using mechanical and electrical equipment, and conducting a harassing investigation on him. Nader sued the General Motors for invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress and interference with the Plaintiff’s economic advantage. General Motors denied all of these accusations and tried to convince the court to dismiss all claims, but he was denied. The Defendant then

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