Mystery and Suspense In The Landlady & The Adventure of The Speckled Band

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How Do Roald Dahl And Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Create Mystery And Suspense In The Landlady & The Adventure Of The Speckled Band? The two stories "The Landlady" & "The Adventure Of The Speckled Band" both create a lot of mystery and suspense. "The Landlady " is a story about a 17-year-old boy who has recently been hired by a firm based in London and the boy is placed in Bath. The story starts with Billy arriving at a train station in Bath. As he has only recently arrived he inquires about accommodation and The Bell & Dragon Inn is recommended. On his way he sees a Bed & Breakfast in a run down area. As he is walking past he debates with himself about which place he should reside at and decides to stay at The Bell & Dragon, as it would be more fun and probably cheaper. But as he starts walking away a strange thing happens the sign draws him in. Before he knows he is ringing the doorbell. This is the first mysterious thing that happens as the sign almost magically draws him in and he suddenly finds himself on the doorstep pushing the doorbell which he does not get to take his finger off before the door is opened. Where as in the adventure of the speckled band it starts of with Dr Watson creating suspense and mystery by saying it's the weirdest case he's ever investigated. Then he goes to the story which starts when he is awakened by Holmes. Which is unusual as Holmes is a late riser. As it happens a new client has arrived in considerable excitement which turns out to be fear. These two beginnings are very different as 'The Landlady' starts out with an almost ordinary day and then starts getting mysterious but 'The Speckled Band' starts out with mystery. 'The Landlady' introduces Billy Weaver a boy just starting work in Bath. Then introduces the landlady a forty-five to fifty year old woman who appears to Billy to be slightly dotty but harmless and may yet be as the story is open ended, but this woman does not seem to be the type of person to be a murderer, and it is only by the clues you can guess that murder is going on. 'The Speckled band introduce Dr Watson assistant to Mr Holmes, Mr Holmes himself, the client Helen Stoner who turns out to be sister to a murdered woman. And later introduces Dr Grimesby Roylott a big intimidating violent man who is also step father to Helen and her deceased sister Julia.

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