Myrtle In The Great Gatsby

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Some people have two sides to what The Great Gatsby about relationships. Some people think there is romance and others think there is negative relationships. The Great Gatsby looks at a cynical look at society towards relationships. In the novel, The Great Gatsby, the relationships of Tom and Myrtle have a cynical look at society. Tom brutally hits Myrtle because he gets angry when she annoys him. “ Making a short deft movement, Tom Buchanan broke her nose with his open hand” (Fitzgerald, 37). When Myrtle mentioned Daisy’s name to Tom constantly, Tom got angry with her. Tom decided to put his anger on her by hitting in the nose, which he broke her nose. This shows that Tom and Myrtle do not have a healthy relationship. Relationships are not for abusing each other, they’re for people to love and to get along with each other. Even Tom got angry …show more content…

According to Myrtle she made a mistake about marrying George. “I married him because I thought she was a gentleman” (Fitzgerald 34). Myrtle made a mistake of marrying George. Myrtle thought he was a gentleman but after a while she knew that it was the wrong guy. Myrtle did not love George at all, she was having an affair with him because he was poor and she wanted the money. Myrtle wanted Tom’s money rather than George’s love which is not good for a relationship. Eventually George finds out that Myrtle is having an affair and they have a huge fight. "Beat me... Throw me down and beat me, you dirty little coward” (Fitzgerald 137). George is not happy that Myrtle is having an affair. With George finding out, he locks Myrtle in their room. This means, George can control her by all means but he does not hit her. Myrtle calls him a coward which is not really romantic when it comes down. Myrtle was insulting George which really does not happen in a romantic relationship. Myrtle and George’s relationship is not healthy, just like the other

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