Myers-Briggs Type Visitor Career

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Choosing a career is the most important decision that a young adult can make, most decisions, will define the rest of your life. While, going through and analyzing the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Career report, it stated that one of the most attractive job would be to be a personal trainer, the Strong Interest Inventory Profile with College Profile instead said that the strongest top occupation would be a Computer and IS Manager. There is interest in the personal trainer; for it is helping others become healthier and stronger. The interest of being a Computer and IS manager, is that it would oversee the work and progress within the company.
Although, they are on other sides of the spectrum, both jobs have their appeals and their repulsion. …show more content…

The degree needed to be a personal trainer is bachelor’s degree in kinesiology, exercise science, or physical education. This degree would take 4 years to earn. The average wage for a personal trainer is around $55,000 a year. How far you go as a personal trainer all depends on how well you work with other people, how good you are at teaching someone how to exercise, and how many connections you earn with people of high status over …show more content…

The personal trainer works because I enjoy helping others; I enjoy seeing others accomplish their goals, since it motivates me to work even harder. I love connecting with people, which would perfectly fit with being a personal trainer, who need to be understanding, but firm, which I am. The computer and IS manager works for me because I love math and working with electronics. Personally technology intrigues me, and computer/electronic engineering is the major that I want to go for in college. While, I believe that the Strong Interest Inventory Profile with College Profile correctly assessed me, I don’t believe that the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Career Report did not. I say this because, although being a personal trainer fits with my personality, it is not what I wish to do as a career. Also, I would enjoy being a Computer and IS manager, for it includes what I would enjoy as a profession, because it includes technology and requires math skills. Still, both assessments of me in these results were realistic, logically speaking. This is saying that neither of them are unlikely or impossible to

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