Myers Briggs Personality Quiz

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Topic 1: My results on the Kiersey Temperament Sorter came back as Guardian, and for the Myers-Briggs, Personality Quiz came back as ISFJ. I learned from taking the Keirsey Temperament Sorter and the Myers-Briggs Personality Quiz many things, like that Guardians actually make up 40 to 45 percent of the world's population and I came back as 66 percent introvert, 6 percent sensing, percent feeling, and 6 percent judging. I believe both of my results are correct in many ways. Guardians are fun, yet serious people and believe in the following tradition. I feel this is me to a tee because I am always looking for a fun time but know when it's time to be serious and get things done, just like guardians. As for my results in Myers-Briggs Quiz, …show more content…

Curiosity has always kept my mind wandering and looking for new things to learn and discover. I often find myself looking deeper into simple things to find bigger and better. Being curious is what keeps me coming back to learn more. If I wasn’t curious about what I was going to learn or what’s next I would get bored. Without curiosity, we would still be stuck in the 1800s and there would be no discoveries or advancements in modern day life. Being an independent woman I find it easy not to depend on others and often just being able to depend on myself to get things done. One skill I hope to fully acquire is self-management. Self-management is crucial in order to be successful, especially in an online campus. There are a few reasons I say self-management is important. One reason I believe self-management is significant is the fact that it encompasses many things, from putting time aside to do the work, to follow up with professors and classmates with any questions or concerns you may have and making your education a priority. Another reason I believe self-management is important is that it will be used in more than just schooling, it will be used in everyday living, and most importantly in the workplace. Within self-management, there is goal-setting and managing time which will be used in many cases. I often find myself slacking or becoming off task, but with a little motivation and concentration, I believe I have what it takes to master this important skill before

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