My Writing Strength

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At the beginning of the year, writing was not my strength. I never really liked it at all. Give me a math problem or something to do with engineering and I can figure it out, but forming words, sentences, paragraphs, and essays is not my strongest suit. Now, I've been through this process two times already, I look at a question and try not to answer it directly and reword it the best that I can, and I usually write way more than I intended to, because I never know when to stop. If I haven’t made that clear yet, I am at a loss for what else I do. But I have found a way to solve those, basically I take two times as long as anyone else to write an essay because it is extremely hard for me to use the correct word choice or think straight. Yeah, I may be intelligent and have good ideas, but those ideas being effective or making sense is like trying throw a ball through a brick wall. There is also one thing I really hate and it takes all the strength in the world to muster out words that make a lick of sense, is speaking to any group of people. And since the beginning of the year, …show more content…

At the beginning of the year I became all work and no play, no getting too invested in a subject or it would take over my other trains of thought. My head started jumping in and out of what I was really looking for in an education, and now I’m not totally on the grades are all that matter side. But, I have always been prepared, only having one late assignment all year so far, I guess my performance really shows. Ingenuity has always been something I’ve prided myself on, although it’s not always up to par with where I want to be. Because of my organization skills and ability to get things done without questions or overthinking needing help from others is rare. I have kind of taught myself on how analyze problems and fix them by myself because I despise needing help, I always

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