My Value Of Optimism

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After our waiter presents our meals, we dive into the first few bites with a positive outlook. An optimistic attitude enables us to see the best in our food, even after I notice my steak was not cooked properly. Possessing confidence and hope that the meal will taste exemplary helps us to admire our food and enjoy the experience. This attitude of positivity and joy is an intangible all people desire to exhibit. I have witnessed numerous people in my life that demonstrate optimism and I work to follow in this type of lifestyle. In my writing, the way I was able to apply examples from my life to show what optimism means proved to be my most prominent strength. I utilized a wide variety of examples that helped me connect to all audiences. Through the example of my aunt and my boss, I am able to display how optimism overcomes adversity and how it bolsters success. I successfully proved that optimism stands for much more than its simple denotation. My writing calls upon readers to look at the attitude they have towards life and to change their mindset to find happiness. …show more content…

Before turning it in, I had read through the piece twice and felt like I had shaped it into its final form. My essay was then given to Noah Kelleher for peer revision. He effectively responded to my piece and played a key role in processing my work. Noah commended me for much of my work and moved me to feel proud about what I produced. With his praise came valuable suggestions and improvements that cleaned up my writing. He suggested three main pieces of advice by telling me to fix unclear wording, eliminate deadwood, and add substantial transitions. Not only did he tell me what to improve, but he went into my paper and marked the areas where I could make change. This peer revision motivated me to complete corrections and to build off my mistakes. Without a doubt, he provided me with the best revisions and suggestions I have received all

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