My Sister Relationship

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From the time I was young to now, My two sisters have been my best friends. I’m closer to them than any of my friends or the rest of my family. My siblings and I over the years have developed a communication style that only we understand and seems strange to others. The way we pronounce words, code phrases, or distort song lyrics (so we won’t get in trouble) is special to us, and is what makes our relationship unique and important. I have observed this in other sibling relationships and whether we get along well or not, there’s always a bond that makes our relationship meaningful and strong. My sisters and I communicate very well and on a regular basis. Open communication is very important to me and something I cherish. My sisters are sixteen …show more content…

We talk about her plans after high school, life choices, and relationships. With the younger one our conversations are light and simple. We discuss what she did at recess or when the next book fair is. Either way we always find it easier to talk to each other rather than our mom. It’s a way of getting opinions and advice without the lecture, judging, or the closed mindedness. As the oldest I feel that it’s important to help guide my sisters and give them the best advice I can; be it dealing with friends, boyfriends, bullies, or academics. When my sister thought her boyfriend was cheating on her after some suspicious texts, she was hurt. I told her her she needed to confront him about it to confirm if it was true and to let him go if wasn’t going to treat her right; she’s young and has plenty of opportunity for relationships. Her and her boyfriend are still together and I didn’t think that was very smart but if things don’t go well she’ll learn and I’ll be here for her. My youngest sister always has drama with her friends. One day they’re great buddies and next they say they don’t like each other and they won’t talk to her. I try to tell her what to do in those situations and how it’ll end up …show more content…

Even though we argue and not agree with each other; we shouldn’t hold grudges, belittle, or hurt one another. Using harmful words like ‘stupid’ or ‘ugly’ when we’re angry can hurt self-esteem, as well as picking at flaws we know the other is self conscious about. With the youngest only being ten it’s especially important we don’t do that to her because it could be more harmful and she might not be able to handle it the way us older ones can. We need to build her up and only feed her positivity so she sees our good examples and carries it out into her world. We joke and call each other names, but it’s important to know when to draw the line. My grandmother is the middle child of ten and with that many siblings it’s definitely easy for tension to rise. My grandmother’s siblings always made sure to not be offensive when they had a disagreement or when something didn’t go their way. My grandmother has grayish-hazel eyes and freckles, so when one of her sisters would ask her to cover their chores or get them something from the store and she said no; they would say “that’s ok you ol’ freckle face I didn’t want it anyway” or “get out of here gray eyes”. That was their way of getting back without being harmful. They never put each other down and always remain supportive of each

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