My Role Model In The Simpsons: Matt Groening

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Matt Groening is very smart, hard working and argumentatively one of the best comedic animation masterminds of all time. As you may know, he has created the longest running US animated T.V. series ‘The Simpsons’. They first aired on the ‘Tracy Ullman Show’on April 19, 1989. I think Groening has done a lot for the world of adult animation comedy or even animation all together. Spawning a lot of new shows like ‘Family Guy’ probably from ‘The Simpsons’ show although Groening is only one man, getting where he is today undoubtedly took some hard work and most definitely had to overcome some grim times or road blocks. Even withThe Simpsons, 'his comic strip 'Life In Hell’ in which he draws himself and futurama Groening still comes out on top. One of these roadblocks was an episode from the Simpsons ‘A Street Car Named Marge’ Karma Waltonen says Waltonen K. (2009) “New Orleans residents were highly offended by the …show more content…

Well, Matt has defiantly persevered through the lawsuits, tech changes, writers block and more but no matter what happens he just keep doing what he loves. He still draws his comics in a newspaper, and this is inspirational to me that he sticks to his roots. If I have learned anything from researching Matt its never give up he certainly didn’t even when everyone points at the Simpsons and says “that’s a bad show because it makes adult jokes and it’s a cartoon ant those for kids”? But, he didn 't care he keeps making his controversial jokes and shows how he likes. Maybe I won 't so stubborn and I will keep up with the industry then again as people get older they seem to stick to do what they know best. so maybe by the time our industry is making another pivot, I will have already had my time. I will just try to avoid lawsuits altogether. I have no need to go and make a bunch of jokes and have everyone on my back. He can have that one but I do like to watch the show and laugh at the hilarious

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