My Reflection Of General Atmosphere In The Classroom

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General Atmosphere- It has an inviting atmosphere where I learned new history content that I didn’t know before. It is a place where I felt compelled to learn considering every class majority of the time we all participate in discussions during a lesson. I felt quite comfortable to speak and interact during class especially when I knew almost everybody there. I felt like I was a part of the class with all the interactions between the professor and her students. We all get into deep discussions about a certain part of a chapter that we barely have enough time at the end to finish each one.
Most Enjoyable Class Time(s): It was enjoyable when we played games to be able to review for the final exam for example Bingo. The classroom interaction was phenomenal especially when everyone was anxious to obtain those three extra bonus points …show more content…

I believe it was the interaction that I enjoyed the most considering the more we participate in the lesson the more we can ask question and learn more things about the subject matter. It wouldn’t be the same without communication between my colleagues in the classroom. Both the presentation visuals and the instructor’s knowledge about the subject matter helped a lot when we had to remember the information. It is interesting to learn from the powerpoint however the instructor provided her visuals of when she went to that specific place and filled us in with extra information. The extra information added more into the interesting subject at hand. Some details from the chapter I have reviewed in this class I did knew about like the art and artifacts. I am taking Art Appreciation this semester which adds to the reason of why I know about those certain topics. However, overall this course has taught me a lot about the past and it is

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