My Perfect Wedding Day

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As I turned towards the right side of my bed, I glance up at my nightstand and towards my alarm clock. It is 4:00 in the morning; I have been in bed since 10:00 at night. It's difficult to fall asleep, my nerves are feeling extremely horrible right now and my gut feels as if they are twisting and turning. I am anxious, because in a couple of hours, I will be married.
I feel dazed; I'm in the middle of waking up and half asleep at the same time. The laughter, conversations and voices that seem above the normal pitch fill my ears. I finally open my eyes, my sisters, cousins, nieces, and my best friend are scattered around my hotel room. "Wake up, sleeping beauty." My sister says to me. I find the energy to pull myself up from a laying position into a sitting position. I'm exhausted from the night before. "Can I get a cup of coffee please?" I asked anyone that was listening. As I put the coffee cup towards my mouth to take a sip, I am instantly awakened by the aroma. I've come back to reality and finally comprehend that today is my wedding day. I start moving around the room, just as I have seen my friends and family doing. The excitement, laughter and elation surround me. I start preparing myself with the help of my female entourage. My hair is exceptional, my makeup is fantastic and my dress, contouring my body, yet elegant and perfect. I look stunning.

My female wedding entourage and I arrive at the church. It is enormous, with brown stone walls, colorful glass windows with the images of saints that circle around the entire church. The pews are decorated with my wedding color theme which is Tiffany blue, silver and white. Bows and flowers hang from each section of the church. Guests have started to arrive. I turn and look at my u...

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...e is enjoying themselves. As the reception comes to an end. the DJ announces that my husband and I will be leaving shortly to our hotel room for the night, as we will be departing for our honey moon the following morning. So, one by one the guests start approaching us, saying their goodbyes, wishing us luck and safe travels. Once, my husband and I leave the reception party, we head to our room. We are both exhausted, but elated and overjoyed.
As I lay here in bed, the feeling of bliss and happiness surround me. My wedding day was perfect, my guests were satisfied and my entourages were ecstatic. I am finally married to my best friend. The person that understands me and who has stood by me through all the ups and downs. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us. For now, I will sleep as I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow as well. Europe here we come.

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