My Papa's Waltz By Theodore Roethke

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When going through life encounters with deception are often met as things are usually not what they appear to be. In Theodore Roethke’s poem “My Papa’s Waltz” deception can be found through the telling of the narrator. The poem conveys the voice of the narrator that appears to be a child; it appears this way through the child like tone of the narrator as well as the titling “Papa” of the poem. Throughout the poem the identification of violence can be found. However, the violence is not straightforward but rather it is hidden by the innocence of the child and their lack of understanding. Essentially the poem is describing the events of the child’s drunken father who is waltzing around the kitchen with the child. However, rather than a graceful …show more content…

The diction choice within the poem immediately gives off a negative tone about the poem. Initially the poem appears that it would be a rather nice and peaceful poem because of the title “My Papa’s Waltz” however the poem shifts to a negative tone immediately in the first stanza. The first stanza immediately has the narrator direct his words to a drunken father who is rather rowdy. Following this immediate negative tone comes the diction choice of the words “death”, “romped”, “unfrown”, “battered”, “scraped”, and “beat”. All of these word choices capture an essence of negativity and violence. Due to these words flowing through the poem the idea of violence is placed into the readers mind because of the darkness of the words. The diction then supports the imagery Roethke creates about …show more content…

The events of the fathers drunken waltz which in reality is the father romping around whiles injuring his son, takes place in the kitchen. For these events to occur in the kitchen allows the kitchen to become a symbol. The kitchen is usually warm and an idealistically place where the family gathers together. It is filled with love as it is a place where food is prepared to nourish the rest of the family. To have the drunken father trample around in the kitchen with his young son becomes symbolic of possible chaos within the family. The kitchen is where the scraping of the ear occurs, the pans are falling, and it is the place where the boy is clinging onto his father as though his life depends on it. Essentially the kitchen is the place where the violence occurs, but to have it occur within a place that the family is connected emphasizes the troubles going on within the family; primarily the father and son as they are the two main characters of this

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