My Mother Grow Up In Northern New Mexico

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My Mother My mother grew up in Northern New Mexico. Her childhood was marked by extreme poverty. Her father was a sheep herder who was rarely home, as a consequence her mother was the soul breadwinner. In saying this you must realize that the job prospects for a single mother in the 50’s and 60’s were few. When a job was found it was not enough to support her seven children. The poverty my mom and her family faced throughout their childhood only made them all work harder in their adult lives. After graduation my mother left New Mexico and moved to Denver to live with her older brother and his family. My mother has been a hard worker her entire life and has done whatever was necessary to make her life a success. At 32 my mother received what …show more content…

She is in a leadership position at a very successful company. Growing up she was not allowed to attend college because she was a female so she achieved success by solely being a hard worker. She was married twice, both times to men who had substance abuse problems. She has never participated in any lifestyle choice which is anything other than moral. At the age of 20 her youngest son died. This for most people would be too much to endure, but she did. Even after this heartbreak she continued to excel as a woman of high moral caliber, a mother and a professional. I am inspired by the strength and positivity of my mother-in-law and have realized that I too am capable of overcoming circumstances in life which may seem like too much. She has taught me that there is always a reason to go on and to continue to …show more content…

I was fine but my car required extensive repair. The following year I was involved in another car accident, my car was t-boned and totaled. The car accident occurred 1 mile from my home. During the car accident I blacked out and my life actually flashed before my eyes. When I awoke, I realized what had happened. I touched my face and moved my body to make sure everything was still in place and it was. I pulled myself out of my totaled car and was shocked to see the damage. How was it possible that I didn’t have single scrape or bump? I realized God’s realness and goodness in that moment. I felt truly lucky to be alive, blessed. I was also faced with the realization of my morality. This inspired me, I realized no day was guaranteed and because of this I would make the most of my life. I would live my life in a way which added value to my community and myself. A year later I was again involved in an accident on 1-25. After this accident I suffered extreme driving anxiety and would not drive on the highway under any condition. It has been about 2 years since the last accident and I have slowly but surely regained my confidence in my driving ability. I don’t drive on the highway most of the time but hope one day soon to be able to fully confront this fear. My car accidents made me realize the specialness of life and also helped me realize that I am stronger than I

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