My Mistress Eyes Are Nothing Like The Sun Literary Devices

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In “My Mistress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun” by William Shakespeare, the most important poetic feature is the situation created in the poem because it is the feature that makes the reader begin to question what is happening, which ultimately leads to a better understanding of the theme that women are overly compared to clichés they cannot live up to in the era of Petrarch Sonnets. Petrarch’s famous sonnet sequence is a collection of love poems to a certain woman idolizing her beauty and perfection through extravagant metaphors and similes. The metaphors soon became clichés but they continued to be used to make comparisons about a poet’s lover. Shakespeare uses a satirical approach in this poem to mock the cheesy Petrarchan metaphors by taking the common clichés to describe his mistress, known as the “Dark …show more content…

The situation of Shakespeare deliberately using typical love poetry metaphors against themselves is important for readers to question in order to continue on trying to understand the underlying idea of the sonnet. To continue on with the notion of Shakespeare commenting on the Dark Lady’s appearance with the reversed use of the Petrarch clichés, in lines 5-12, “I have seen roses damask'd, red and white/ But no such roses see I in her cheeks/ And in some perfumes is there more delight/ Than in the breath that from my mistress reeks/ I love to hear her speak, yet well I know/ That music hath a far more pleasing sound/ I grant I never saw a goddess go/ My mistress, when she walks, treads on the ground.” To paraphrase this, Shakespeare is saying he has seen red and white damask roses but her cheeks just pale, no hint of pink (line 5-6). Perfume tends to smell good and is better than her breath because it reeks (line 7-8). He likes to hear her talk but music is nicer to listen to than her voice (line 9-10). He has never seen a goddess on Earth, and he knows his mistress walks steadily on the ground (line 11-12). All 12 beginning lines can impose

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