My Mentor Report

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“3 A’s: Attitude, Attendance, and Achievement,” are the pillars that built my relationship with my mentor, Mr. Bass. Since middle school, he had mentored me to this day. He enlightened me about my surroundings and showed me that there is a world outside my little community. His continued presence in my life filled in that hole that I could step on as he prepared me for high school. During this time, my vision for the future was now filled with hope and the weight of the fears on my shoulders became my foundation where I would rise from adversity to accomplishment. Taking that step towards high school, an important part in my life was Community Action for Teens. This organization has allowed me to work together with youths to learn and develop leadership skills in order to make a difference in our lives, families, schools and communities. We became advocates against challenging issues that trouble young people our age, namely alcohol and tobacco use. We also participated in numerous community service projects aimed at building appreciation and respect for the community, and fostered leadership development and community service skills. Thanks to this support group, I feel more prepared after high school. …show more content…

It is amazing to have the privilege to know everybody on campus by the time I graduate in two years. The student body and my professors will get to know me extremely well. This will allow me to form great relationships with them as I head onward in life. There is room for me to join in and contribute to a

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