My Leadership Philosophy Essay

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I will explore my Leadership Philosophy and give my Definition of Leadership - Leadership is the ability to get members from diverse groups to willingly follow your vision to achieve a specific goal. Leadership experiences throughout my career have been both positive and negative. While I have had numerous influences, my most memorable were negative experiences from my first Master Chief as a non-rate to my Executive Officer as Petty Officer First Class. The traits most prevalent in both were temperamental, uncooperative, and abrasive. Conversely, positive influences in my career showed trust and empowerment, making for a positive work environment. One of my greatest weaknesses as a leader is ensuring people are recognized for their contributions to the success of our projects. I have never been one to need accolades and recognition. The satisfaction of a job well done has been my drive in doing well and providing a quality product. During the SpeedReading people workshop, I realized that different personalities require different types of recognition and different styles of leadership. I will work to provide timely and meaningful recognition, as well as praising my members for a job well done. One initiative is to have the YN1's in the office provide weekly metrics for their individual teams. …show more content…

I would give my life for my family. Truth, honesty/integrity are one in the same for me. I have lived by the motto a man is only as good as his word. For me, this means that I must be truthful and honest, and have the highest integrity, say what I mean and mean what I say. I have a sense of civic duty and allegiance to our constitution and our forefathers. Many brave men fought and died for our freedom and I would do the same to maintain our freedom and way of life. And last, but not least, is loyalty. I maintain loyalty to family, friends and even my jobs sometimes to a

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