My Identity

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Have you ever asked yourself what represents your identity ? In this case for me it is a yes , I’ve gone through a list of things that to me represent my identity whether it is culture wise , race , or socioeconomics . It is important to understand what your identity is to yourself . If you didn’t, it would be like loving someone without loving yourself first , like a peanut butter jelly sandwich without the bread , doesn’t make sense right .

Now moving on to the first couple objects that represent my identity . These objects fall in the category of culture . First off is soccer , to me soccer is more than just a sport it’s more of a passion . When you grow up in a hispanic family that all grew up playing soccer it's hard to not get dragged along the train that’s why I consider it cultural . Next is mexican food , in my opinion mexican food is definitely one of the top foods in the world but of course that is bias of me to say because I am mexican . Obviously growing up in a mexican family introduces you to mexican food that is why it is cultural . Mexican food has so many wonders like the spices and the natural
First in that category is my High School of course many people describe it as a prison or hell hole and others describe it as home , welcome to Tennyson High they say . Tennyson is a ghetto school with a mixed variety of races and cultures , teachers that care and also that don’t care . Securities that are sometimes way too nice . Since I spend most of my day there I might as well make the best of it right ha ha ha . Next is the gym , a place to get rid of stress and work out . What a great feeling to see process in the gym right , keeps you motivated . In my eyes I feel as if working out should be a part of everyone's day considering that the population of obesity in the US is increasing rapidly

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