My Ideal Classroom Essay

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My ideal classroom would be a middle level severe and profound special education classroom. I would want students grade 6-12, with a wide range of disabilities. I would want this class to be in a smaller town like my hometown of 4,500. If I teach general education, I would like my class to be in third or fourth grade. I would still like to be in a smaller town. I want my class to be about 20 students so I don 't get as overwhelmed. I plan on having my desks arranged into groups, so the students are able to work with their peers. Since special education is tailored so specifically to each student, I will be writing this paper for my general education class. The first instructional strategies in the Ormrod text is expository. Expository instruction is an approach to instruction in which information is presented in essentially the same form in which students are expected to learn it. This type can be presented in a few different methods such as lectures and textbooks, asking questions and giving feedback, giving homework, etc. This method works best with the help of aids such organizers and visual aids. When presenting the new information, a teacher must make sure the new material is in a logical, organized manner. This will help the students make the connection from topic to …show more content…

Interactive strategies are those where the students get to work with the teach to learn something. Collaborative work is done with two or more students with the goal of learning and/or completing work. This type of work is very important at younger ages because it teaches the students important social skills. This form of learning is also used at all levels so it 's very important to start at a young age. It also teaches students responsibility. If they are working in a group and are expected to do a certain part, they better get it done or their group is going to get mad. The students learn to carry their own

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