My Hero's Journey-Personal Narrative

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As I lay there stuck I hear the sirens coming from down the road. “What happened” I asked myself. “Are my friends ok” my head started to spin. “BEEEEEEEEEP” I wake up laying in a small hospital bed, what is that noise. As I turn my head to the right I see my friend Maddie laying their hooked up to a lot of machines. The beeping wouldn't stop everyone was panicking before anyone even realized I was awake Maddie was rushed out of the room. It all started the other morning as Maddie, Gracie, and I climbed into my car. It was a warm Saturday morning as the sun beat down on us. It’s our last summer vacation before our senior year. We were headed to Montana to pick up our friend Mitch and we were all going to take a road trip through multiple states …show more content…

“WAKE UP” Maddie screamed a few minutes later, Gracie and I are not morning people. If Maddie wasn't with us we would have never left those beds. As we arose from our beds we put on some shoes threw our hair up in a messy bun and walked straight out of the hotel not bothering to look in a mirror. Maddie was going to continue driving this morning. As we walked to our car, the skies were gray, the roads were wet and you could smell the rain pouring down on the ground. We started driving and we made it about 35 minutes before getting a call from our mom’s. We each talked with our mom for a few minutes, until Maddie hung up the phone because our favorite song came on the radio and we couldn't miss it. We turned the volume up so loud you could feel the bass beating and you couldn't even hear the rain pounding down on the car outside. The day was still morning and the skies were still crying as we drove down the curvy back roads. We got stuck behind a really slow truck heading back onto the …show more content…

They were stopping but we weren't. I grasped the edge of the seat and wrapped my fingers around the edge and held on as tight as I could. Our car kept going... we hit the truck in front of us. My head went flying into the seat in front of me. I saw the back tire of the truck go flying across the road. The bags in the back of the car came flying to the front smashing my head. I felt my heart come pounding out of my chest. I saw the paint on the front of the car flaking of into the puddle of blood in front of it .The front end of our car was smashed as flat as a pancake. I reached up to feel my head and it was bleeding. I could taste blood running down my face into my mouth. I was shaking, and didn’t know what was going on. I heard the sirens, they were coming our way. Before I could think another thought my mind went blank and the room went

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