My Goals At Illinois State University

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For anyone who has ever been passionate about anything will understand how hard it is to not second guess yourself on big decisions that will determine the outcome. Education has always been a number one priority in my household. Getting homework done before we did anything after school was a big rule for us. Getting the most out of my education was and still is a huge milestone and long term goal. I constantly contemplate back and forth on what I want to do in life as a career and find myself second guessing myself. Coming to a final decision on which college I wanted to attend was a tough one for me. So i made sure to make the right decision by looking at every specific aspect of each college that interests me and applies to my career choice. Making sure the program pertaining to my career is a strong program and has a good reputation was something I had to make sure of …show more content…

I soon had a reality check when I was dead set on going to a college that wa cheap and not because I liked it or thought it would help me achieve my academic goals. My academic goals have always been a priority and Illinois State University is a good fit for me personally and my academic goals. Graduating college with a bachelor's degree or higher is a huge long term goal of mine and I plan to accomplish this goal at Illinois State University. Illinois State has a very strong School of Business and is ranked as one of the top in the nation. This was a great sign which drew me closer to my decision on Illinois State. Another one of my long term goals is to become a successful entrepreneur and with the reputation of Illinois State’s Business program this goal of mine will be achieved. I am confident in myself that with the education I will be receiving at Illinois State University that I will achieve some of my more important long term

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