My Generation Research Paper

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As generations come and go, they each gain a variety of individual values, attitudes, and goals that separates them apart from other generations. Each of our generations has played a role to get to where we are today. The older generations have played a big role in shaping my generation by offering more help to us. Because of all the help that the older generation offers my generation seems to have developed a different attitude about life and themselves. Along with open mindedness is easily seen among my generation. These numerous aspects all make up my generation and how we live today.
I believe my generation today has received more help from the older generations than they had themselves at my age. The older generation did not get things handed out to them so easily. They had to work hard and struggle to earn the life they have today. Now since they have shaped this and have the ability to make life easier for their future generations, they …show more content…

The older generation seems to be more closed minded to different ideas and viewpoints, while my generation seems to embrace them. The older generations have strict mindsets about sex, while my generation is less uptight about it. Also my generation seems more willing to accept ideas of homosexuality, while previous generations are completely against it. Many members of the older generations seem to be against interracial relationships, while members of my generation do not see anything wrong with it. The older generations seems to stay strong to what values they have learned and stick with them no matter what, while my generation seems to question such values and learn to form opinions themselves. The differences may build a better future or make it difficult for people to get along with one another. My generation different belief may affect different work choices. It all depends on how we look at different ideals of

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