My First Skiing Research Paper

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I sat beside my car window, watching the dark mountains appear through the blinding fog, growing bigger and bigger. Biting the bottom of my lip, I hoped it would be an enjoyable day as numerous frightening thoughts began to fill up my brain. Slowly, my car came to a stop as I watched the people ski through the freezing gust of wind.
This day seemed like one of those days where the sun gets covered by a thick layer of clouds, making the world seem much darker than usual. Shivering, I grabbed my gloves and my skiing accessories with my trembling hands.
“ I don't want to be here”, I said to myself as my voice quivered.
I felt out of place, but the only choice I had was to take a step forward and experience my first skiing adventure. Slowly, I walked towards the skiing lodge sweating despite the chilling temperature. After waiting in a long line I got my heavy boots and skis. Initially, I felt awkward as I took tiny steps like a kid learning to walk for the first time. On the other hand, my little sister who has skied before with her friends swiftly flew around on the snow without any errors. It was my turn now, I took a deep breath, preparing myself for the best or worst memory I am yet to make. Practicing my snow plough, I steadily took a step forward going smoothly and suddenly half way through I lost control. …show more content…

With sweat pouring down my face, I felt confused not knowing how to stop. Few centimeter away from the kid, I purposely fell down on the cold white snow. Hanging my head low, I felt like thousands of eyes watching and laughing at me. Around me were so many small kids skiing with perfection and here I am, a 16 year old falling down on a beginner hill. Soon, my friends rushed to me and helped me get

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