My Favorite Journal Essay

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Writing has always been something I have enjoyed to do. Whether it is a paper for school, or a note to a friend. I find that it is a way that I feel I can freely express myself. I think that there is something very rewarding about putting thoughts down onto paper. One of my favourite forms of writing is journaling, and another form that I enjoy is writing poetry. In saying this I am often very hesitant in sharing my writing with other people, unless it is written specifically for them. I try to journal at some point every day, I often fail at this, but it is something that I try to do. One of the main reasons I enjoy journaling is because of the way it allows me to express my emotions in the moment. It is very rare for me not to have a journal and a pen in my bag, ready to scribble down my thoughts. Whether I am sitting in class, or if I am sitting at the base of a waterfall - I love to write down everything that is happening around me. I would argue that one of my favourite things is the satisfactory feeling of flipping through a completed journal. I feel a sense of pride with every pen smudged page that I flip, reminiscing on where I was when it was written. I find that when I look back on journals I find myself …show more content…

This is the journal that I have on me most regularly, and this is because I am a strong believer that life is an adventure. The pages in my adventure journal are filled with stories, quotes, drawings, and personal reflections. I find a beauty in writing at the time of an event, I think that it allows me to fully capture the situation. I also enjoy journaling when my emotions are at an extreme level. This can be embarrassing to look back on, because my over exaggerations often make me look overdramatic, but I think that it contains a sense of beauty. There is something about the way that emotion flows through a pen. It is evident when I get excited or frustrated by the way the lettering

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