My Father Ethos Pathos Logos

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Chi Tsao
Letter Explication

My dad's native language is not English, it is his fourth language . In order to make it easier for him, every section of this letter is simplified and shorter in order for my dad to understand most of it.

In the first paragraph, I wanted to establish my ethos to show my dad that I did not blindly pick a popular and expensive car. To do this I start off by stating that I have been doing research what particular car that I wanted my dad to get me. I specifically stated that I did research on this topic due to the fact that my dad is all about doing research. I proceeded by stating that I have gone through a plethora of car related website. Just before I reveal the car I wanted, I stated, " I have spent hours …show more content…

Being a part of an Asian family I knew that logos would be my strongest appeal. Originally, my paragraph regarding logos was just one huge paragraph. For my dad's sake, I split up the paragraph into two different topics in order to lessen the confusion in my …show more content…

I started off with the same method as the other paragraph. I concluded that my dad at this point would just be wondering, "why would I even buy this car for him". From that point on I started to write context that would appeal to pathos. I started off by stating how I have been behaving for the past year. In the sentence, I included both good deeds and mistakes. There is a reason why I included my mistakes, my dad is keen on me acknowledging my mistakes. I thought if I did not include that my letter would just crumble from there. So by adding that detail I aimed to furthermore appeal to his emotions. The next sentence I wrote about my academic performances. Like most Asian households, grades are basically what every Asian parent cared for. For my dad, he has always been very rewarding when I do well academically. There would always be some sort of reward if I am doing well at school. That is the sole reason I added the sentence about awarding me the Tesla as a gift for all I have planned for my future academic wise. The sentence stating how I would continue my efforts in school was included to back up my previous statement regarding my academic performance. The rest of the paragraph appeal heavily to pathos, it includes a personal anecdote as an effort to create Energia. The anecdote covers an experience that my dad and I had regarding driving. I included this due to how memorable this event was to both my

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