My Family Research Paper

750 Words2 Pages

What inspired my original project idea was my family. We are constantly laughing and joking with each other and have so many amazing stories to tell. My family is my base and my support system and I think that creating a web series based around some of the crazy thing that happen in our day to day lives with a bunch of crazy twist would be a really cool project to work on. I also consulted my brother to bounce ideas off of and to get feedback on the idea and the story line. After presenting the main idea to him he encouraged me to continue on with the project. Troy (antagonist) - Troy is the father of the family and one of the main characters in my series. He is a hardworking father who gets distracted by the beauty of another woman. From …show more content…

She is a typical mother who loves her family and more specifically her children to death. She is a homemaker at night and an executive assistant by day. Some ask her how does she survive and she can be constantly heard saying my faith. Lisa is the go to person in the family when anyone is having any issues, needs advice or just want so sit down and chat. She is a voice of reason when her kids are about to do something stupid and she can be the rock for her husband. But with the allegation of cheating looming around Lisa has to wonder if she is really as stable as everyone believes. Lisa can also be seen supporting her children at all their activities and brags about their accomplishments whenever she has the …show more content…

This TV series is based around an African American Family who was hit by tragedy when their house caught on fire. The father CJ has to relocate himself and his two children to his aunt and uncle's house while his wife leaves and turns to illegal drugs. During this time CJ's Aunt who is a Christian turns to her faith to see her through this transition. While his uncle Curtis finds every waking moment to poke fun at CJ and his living situation. The series has a lot of twist and turns as the family turns to their faith, humor and love to remain

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