My Experience Of My Clinical Experiencement: Personal Experience

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The first week of my clinical attachment was at the “1339-1346” ward of Ang Mo Kio – Thye Hua Kwan Community Hospital. On the fourth day of my first morning shift, all the staff nurses and all the student nurses were very busy with bathing all of the patients each ward. The clinical instructor (CI) came and told us that we would shower one of the patients from my ward after he had breakfast. Then, we also noticed that. On the first day, CI already taught us that we need to gather all the items carefully that are needed after bathing. But, when the staff nurse came and took the patient to shower, she forgot to bring draw sheet and urinal cream that is applied before wearing diaper for skin care. So, after showering, she needed to go and get …show more content…

I did not know that we can leave the patient in the shower room or like that. If not, I need to ask for one of the nurse to go and take them for me. At that time, the patient was also shouting. He doesn’t like to take shower. I was just standing and watching like a statue, we couldn’t help and do because we were not allowed to do without the one who could guide. When patient was shouting, she never expressed her angry feelings. She smiled at him and explained him politely with suitable reason. Later, she told me that she has been worked there about seven years and she got a lot of experiences. She also knew her mistake herself and taught me that when you are going to shower the patient, you need to gather and check all the needed items. I had learnt that point from her …show more content…

As IOM states that, the origin of patient safety problem is classified due to type (error), communication (failure between patient or patient proxy and practitioners, practitioner and non- medical staff or among practitioners), patient management (failure in tracking, wrong referral, or wrong use of resources), and clinical performance (before, during, and after intervention). According to this statement, the accident that was caused by nurse is under patient management. In my opinion, this case happened because she just wanted to finish her report in time. Why I considered this reason for this case because she told me that she has been seven years in this community hospital. And also, after that, she taught me not to be like her and said to me ‘you must check the items not only for this case but also for the other cases as a professional nurse’. So that, I really couldn’t blame on her continually. At that time, I also got shocked so I couldn’t help her to so and get the things. It can be because I was just a very new student nurse so I didn’t realize where things are placed

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