My Ecological Footprint Essay

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My Ecological footprint The ecological footprint is a calculation of human needs or basic needs on the Earth's ecosystems. It is an established measure for natural capital that may cause difference in the renewal to the planet's ecological capacity .It considers how much biological productivity of land and sea area to provide the resources a human population consumes, and to arbsob the related waste. Using this process, it is easier to calculate how much of the natural environment would take to provide for humanity if everybody followed a given lifestyle.Ecological footprints can be measured at any scale: for which specific action a person, a society, a city, a region, a nation or humanity as a whole. Ecological footprint factor weighs human …show more content…

A first set of ecological footprint standards exist that detail both communication and calculation procedures.Some of each person's Ecological Footprint dependent upon choices and condition of living, as to how far distance they drive, reuse and purchase new product. The consequences are diminished resource stocks and waste accumulating faster than it can be absorbed , such as carbon density in the atmosphere. The Ecological Footprint adds up all the ecological services people demand that contest for space. It entitles biocapacity saved for crops, grazing land, built-up areas, fishing grounds and forest material , includes the area of forest required to absorb carbon dioxide emissions …show more content…

But the Earth can only cater for an average of 1.8 hectares per person. Can one consider to take more than our fair share of resources from the Earth?This means humans are taking more than what the Earth can We can reduce your ecological footprint by not wasting electricity and water, cycling or walking to nearby locations instead of driving, and enjoy food locally prepared than imported food. South Africa's ecological footprint and participation on natural ecosystems, has rised in the last two

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