My Earliest Memories

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My Earliest Memories My earliest memory doesn't stretch very far back. I know all the details of my birth and the hospital I was born in (Neath General), but of course not from memory! All these details have been hammered in by my parents. Now then lets see if I can rummage into the deepest corners of my memory and retrieve some fragments of lost information! The first thing that I can remember from my childhood is visiting Margam Park with my father. I must have been around the ages of two or three, as my younger brother was not yet born. I can remember the day quite clearly, as we often took this exciting day out, as it seemed to me! I remember my father telling me to wave my mother goodbye as she made her daily visit to a thing she called 'work'. I remember toddling through fairytale land and marvelling at all the fairytale creatures and their homes. I can also remember feeding the ducks in the lake. I can recall being quite scared as they all came crowding around me, hungry for a tasty morsel to eat! Not long after this chapter of my life another one opened. My younger brother Sean was born. Instead of now being the focus of my parent's attention, they had another baby to care for. So I made my brother the focus of my attention as well. I tried to be really helpful and protective to this little 'thing' my parents cared for so much. I helped at bath times and protectively stood in front of his pram if a strange visitor arrived. What a pity that, that little 'thing' turned out to be such a terror! When I was about three years old I can remember a women coming to survey the roof of our house. I remember being quite excited at this, as the women was one of those executive types with a clipboard and calculator. My mother tells me I followed her all around the house with the TV remote in my hand, making calculations and basically

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