My Definition Of A Hero Essay

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“That’s all a man can hope for during his lifetime- to set an example- and when he is dead, to be an inspiration for history.” (William McKinley) Anyone can be inspiring, small, big, old, young, but to be inspiring you have to set good examples. In other words, to be inspiring you can’t do normal things, normal things are irrelevant to heroes, you have to be different. The true definition of a hero is someone who is inspiring to others positively.
Heroes affect others in a positive way and inspire others. Like in the article “Solider home after losing leg in Afghanistan.” by HeraldNet, “Segers wears shorts in the warm summer weather, not even pretending to hide his prosthetic leg.” This shows Segers is himself no matter what. For instance, people shouldn’t be scared of what others think, be yourself no matter what. Also, stated in a video “The most inspirational video you will ever see Nick Vujicic.” by Wagner Santos, “It’s a lie to think that you're not good …show more content…

For example, in the book “Nelson Mandela.” by Laaren Brown & Lenny Hort, “If this boat goes under, I will commit my last sin on this earth and run over those two boys to get that lifejacket.”(86) This shows that Nelson Mandela was willing to kill for freedom. In addition, he would have killed others for the safety of his own, that is not very moving or uplifting it is dark and shady. Another example is from the article “Solider home after losing leg in Afghanistan.” by HeraldNet, “He plans to return to culinary arts school this fall and they are about to move into an apartment in the Bothell area.” This shows Segers is going back to school and moving into a new place, but that is very inspiring to others. However many people may not be able move because of money or go to school, you don’t have to be a math genius or chef to be a hero. There are many traits of a hero but the foremost important is to be an inspiring person and set positive

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