My Conception Of Sustainability

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Over my time in this program my conception of sustainability has changed multiple times and will continue to adjust as my education and horizons expand over time. Sustainability can be briefly defined as balancing the wellbeing of humanity, the environment and our global/local economy. The goal of this movement isn't to eliminate the existing systems, but instead shift these exploitive systems into a more resilient, efficient and overall long lasting model.
An additional overarching concept of sustainability to me, is considering the whole and all possible impacts on all possible parties involved. This entails equality to everyone in our global system and ensuring all aspects human rights to all. My optimistic outlook allows me to believe …show more content…

The first class, Systems Thinking, aided me to have a interconnective mindset when it comes to dealing with issues. This perspective has allowed a more open and effective mode of inquiry when dealing with difficult to understand sustainability based problems.
Another class, Leadership Ethics, created a deeper appreciation and understanding of our power in today’s seemingly unchangeable political system. By being an active citizen we are able to make a difference on an unimaginable scale. This class gave me the confidence and education needed to make some of these political justice actions in the upcoming years. Writing for Sustainability piggy-backed on some of these ideas, by showing possibilities of conveying a sustainable based or your biased message in a way a specific audience will understand and relate …show more content…

I also plan to use this knowledge to become more self sufficient myself, by using what I now know. This programs gave me the chance to participate in the Permaculture certificate, which strengthened my passion for agriculture and better informed me on some of these practices. Along with these, this learning has allowed me to better educate the people around me to make more informed decisions. As well as, giving back to my community by implemented some of the tactics I have learned, including water retention, native planting methods and sourcing alternative

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