My Conception Of Health

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When I was 9 years old, the sudden death of one of my cousin changed forever my conception of health. David and I used to hang out a lot together. I did not notice anything different on him. He seemed like any other child our age. He seemed healthy. It is only after his death that my parents told me that David died of Sickle cell disease. It took me sometime to realize that even a healthy looking person could be sick. I used as many people to take health for granted. For me a sick person was one that had fever, was extremely skinny and so on. Basically I had all kind of stereotypes. Later on, at school I learned more about the importance of health and wellness and how to be healthy. Through classes taken during my middle and high school years, I came to realize that Wellness and health are undoubtedly intertwined. They can’t exist without the other. Theses classes taught me how things that we do or foods that we eat on a daily basis can affect our health. Being healthy is not a one-time thing. It is a day-to-day aspiration. …show more content…

The most important factors in determining a person’s health is at first, his environment. Where you live can have a great impact on your wellbeing. I also mean by environment the relationship with people in the community or family. I believe that someone that is loved, happy and surrounded of people that he loves will have more chance of being healthy than someone that is alone, depressed and stressed. More, a person’s behavior can affect his health. I mean by that what you eat, if you exercise and so on. Another factor is definitely genetics. A person can naturally have a poor health or be more susceptible than others to catch a specific

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