My College Experience: My Relationship With My Mother

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“No daughter and mother ever live apart, no mater the distance between them.” Going to college may seem like a daunting experience for many mothers, dropping their child at an unknown location for four years. Many mothers have a hard time dealing with the separation, but as time goes on the process become easier. This quote is a perfect quote that conveys the relationship between my mother and I. I’ve lived on campus my entire collegiate experience and I can say my relationship with my mother flourished when I went to college. Not only did our relationship grow, but her passion to see me excel and become a better student did as well. My mother has been the motivating force from grade school to secondary school. My mother was the parent that stayed up with me until 12 o’clock doing science fair projects and if we weren’t done, she would tuck me into bed and she would stay awake to finish the project before it was due. My mother was the mighty woman who would stay up late at night and help me write a paper, trying her best to understand the concepts I was learning in class when she did not attend college and she struggled completing high school. Consequently, due to my mother’s lack of educational experience, she made sure her children received the best education. My mother pushed me to go to a magnet school, and I told …show more content…

My first year as a student, I called my mother every day, telling her everything that happened, whether it was good or bad, she knew. My freshmen year was the roughest academic year I have experienced, I cried and went home every week and each time I went home my mother was there praying and fasting on my behave. She was there to remind me not to run away from my academics, but to face them with faith and passion. This was not an easy task, but with her motivating me, praying for me and giving me encouraging words throughout the semester, nothing seemed

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