My Childhood Growing Up In Kansas: A Short Story

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My childhood growing up in Kansas was like a whole other world compared to my life now. Kansas is where one goes to watch the wheat grow, not raise a family. No one could convince my dad otherwise though. Recently divorced and newly married, he brought his two children from his previous marriage, my brother and me, to Kansas to be with his young pregnant bride. There awaited a promising new job and a whole new life for us all. When I mention Kansas to anyone who does not live there, I most likely get one of two responses. One being about the location, most have no idea where it is. The other no doubt mentioning some sort of Wizard of Oz reference. My dad moved us to a small town where we began school at the local church, a small private school. Kansas is a very religious state so going to a school like this was not unusual. Everything people have heard about a small town is true. Everyone knows everyone and everyone knows everyone’s business. I know I was not thrilled about being there, especially considering what brought my dad there in the first place. My parents’ divorce was still troubling to me. …show more content…

I do not remember much of when they were together, but some would say this was good. Either way I still felt the repercussions of their divorce, as did my brother. It did not matter that I was only five at the time, in the years to come their divorce would play a significant role in my life. I do remember asking my mom, “Will you and Daddy ever get back together?” “No Honey, you and your brother are the only good that has come out of our marriage,” she replied. Those words broke my heart and have stuck with me throughout my life. As for my dad, he moved on fairly quickly after the divorce. I did not understand it at the time, but thinking back now I realize he was probably just lonely and really wanted a family, and this divorce had broken him. So when he met my future stepmom his hope for a normal family

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