My Bucket List

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List 5 things on your bucket list. When I think of my life and what I want accomplish I honestly think of my bucket list. People might put extravagant feats on their list, they may put travel around the world or bungee jumping or any thrill speaking act. But some of us including me have a simpler bucket list, one that consist of things like getting married and having a baby. Also on my list is to own a home and to take a 2-week vacation anywhere I choose. And lastly, to retire comfortably in a place of my choosing. This list may surprise some but these are things that people around me and even in my family did not accomplish and this drive me to make sure that I live my life how I want on my terms. When I was born my mother and father …show more content…

She was a social worker for families she worked for what is now called the Department of Human Services. She was a case social worker for 32 years and sadly she hated every minute of it. My grandmother did not like people and she definitely did not like the people whose cases she covered. My grandmother (late) always felt that people need to work for what they need and support themselves. She had much disdain for people who accepted assistance when they could go out and work. So after 32 years of loathing her state job she was finally able to retire and that was in 2005. She retired and with her retirement bonus check she took a 2-week vacation on a cruise to Jamaica. I was so jealous and I begged her to take me and when I did she said "Deena remember when we went to Disney world in February that was for you now this vacation is for grandma". I remember when she left we dropped her off at the airport and went back to our house to find that we were out of power. The day my grandma left for her cruise was the first day of the "blackout" of the east coast. It was the summer and it was so hot that my friend my sister and I slept outside on a mattress. It was so fun we stayed outside all day grilling, laughing, and having a good time. When my grandmother came back she had a tan, souvenirs, and a host of stories to tell. I said that I would do the same thing when I retired and take the same cruise my grandmother did. August 5,2015 my grandma past 10 years after she retired. During those years my grandma did not need or want for anything. She went shopping, out to eat, to the casino and any other place she wanted. She lived a full life before and after she retired even though God could have let me have my grandma longer than 66 years she lived a full life. She was happy and loved and well looked after and financially stable. If God would bless me like he did my grandma I would be the

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