My Autobiography about the Importance of Friendship

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I have never found anything more important to the growth of my well-being than friendships. I will be talking about my friendships as a child, the heartbreak of having to lose them, and comparing that to the way I value friendships now. So, let’s go back in time to when I was a young child at the age of four.
When I was four years old I found my best friend and he continues to hold that spot to this day. His name is Garrett. When we first met, he was six and I was four, so logically we didn’t get along at all. The way I met him was, my dad was dating a woman named Kristi. He was getting really close to her and saw that Kristi was getting along with my sister and I very well. So, he wanted us to meet the rest of Kristi’s family. The majority of the family was older than us, and only one person was around the same age. That was Garrett. They wanted to get my sister and I to become friends with Garrett so that there would be that connection as well, so my stepmom took on the duty of getting us three together a couple times a week to hang out, and do whatever we wanted. At first there was no connection between us. We all enjoyed doing different things and the age difference played a huge role as well. Garrett and my sister were the same age, only born two days apart actually didn’t get along because they were six and as most six year olds are, girls didn’t get along with boys and vice versa. While I being two years younger, to him I was just the annoying little kid. So, none of us got along at first, but as you probably guessed that didn’t last long. Within a year we all became best friends. We did everything together, Garrett was asking to have sleepovers with me and I asked to have sleepovers with him every weekend. After a while, ...

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...e in the story, his mother did everything she could think of to try and change his mind. She asked the priest to cast out the demons in him, among other things.(Rosa ,545) Because he had chosen that path, I decided that it would be best for me to just not be friends with him anymore. So once again I went through the pain of losing a friend.
I still hang out with my other friends from high school, and I understand the importance of making friends even now. Friendship has always been and quite possibly could always be the most important thing to me and my well-being. I had friends as a kid, but I lost them when I chose wealth instead, but through the grace of God I got those friendships back and learned my lesson in the process. I would never chose the wealthy life if it meant losing the things most important to me ever again, and I hope my story teaches you the same.

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