My ADHD Experience

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I think I had my ‘a-ha’ moment during my grade eleven assignment to tutor a five year boy who was diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). We had spent quite a few weeks of playful learning about topics such as colors, shapes and things that would interest a ‘normal’ child … When suddenly, one day, whilst playing with a blue toy truck, he looked at me directly and slowly said the word “BLUE” out loud. I instinctively then knew that my somewhat stubborn yet diligent demeanor had proved itself – no wonder then that I am the ‘agony aunty’ in my circle of friends and family!
Encouraged by this ‘win’ and comforting feeling of ‘finding myself through others’, I continue to work with special need children across Dubai. I am amazed and inspired by their free spirit and vigor to achieve their ‘next step’.
I soon also realized that the school support staff could do with some Basic English language lessons in order to feel better and deal with everyday work. So I volunteered and turned into their weekend teacher! Teaching them, in fact, constantly reminds me to focus on small details and to ‘keep it simple’.
I love animals – especially dogs. And since I have never been able to have one, I volunteer at the Dubai Kennels and Cattery whenever I can. It gives me immense …show more content…

Having been fortunate enough to have extensively explored places in India, most of Europe, Middle East and Africa, I have always pondered on some recurrent thoughts: At some point, we are all the same – yet, we are also very different. Why do we feel emotions and some of them more intensely than others? What in our experiences and situations shapes us as individuals? Would the science of Psychology, in its expansiveness of exploring the human mind through theories and statistics, provide some answers? I can’t wait to find

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