My 6-week Training Course

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My 6-week Training Course

The aim of the 6-week training programme is

· To improve my level of general fitness

· Have a higher performance in my chosen sport which is basketball

(specific fitness)

1. My speed should improve to help me do fast breaks down the court

and running to help other players.

2. My ability to dodge other players should improve to help me get

past opponents and beat them to the ball or get free to help another

member of my team.

3. I should also be able to play for longer if my Muscular Endurance

in my legs, my Cardiovascular Fitness and my stamina improves.

4. Jumping, stretching and reaching for the ball should become easier

if my flexibility improves.

The components of fitness that I am trying to improve upon are

· Agility

· Speed

· Muscular Endurance

· Flexibility

· Cardiovascular

· Power

· Stamina

· Dynamic and Explosive Strength

I want to improve my fitness levels because basketball is 10% aerobic

fitness and 90% anaerobic so that means I will be working hard for a

long period of time, and I also need to improve because I may be

playing at a higher level or against teams with faster more agile


After doing training sessions I will take my pulse to find my heart

rate. This will tell me which particular training zone I am working in

and if I am working aerobically or anaerobically.




Looking at the above table, I am aiming to be training in the 60-80%.

I am 15 years old and I consider myself to be fairly fit and in fairly

good health.

Active wise this is my average week:

Day of the week



Walk home from school (40mins) - walk to town (15mins) - tap dance

(45mins) - jazz dance (45mins) - ballet dance (60mins)

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