Mutations, The Punnett Square, And Florigene

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Genetics Essay: .

Genetics is a very important subject to learn and understand about. They make up a person’s traits; basically who they are. There are lots of ideas related to the subject genetics but the three main ones I will be talking about are mutations, the punnett square, and hybrids. I will also be talking about genetically modified organisms and the company Florigene. Also how all these subjects relate to me. Mutation is a change in the DNA code of an organism. Mutations can either affect the person in a negative or positive way. These changes are considered as alterations and can create new characteristics that can be inherited. There are two different ways a Mutation can occur and the two ways are: when there are too much or too less chromosomes in a person which can result in diseases, or when a gene or protein become missing in the DNA. There are also somatic and germination mutations. The Somatic mutation occurs with cells and the Germination mutation occurs only with sex cells. Without mutations organisms would have no way of evolving, humans wouldn't even exist. Mutations relate to me because everybody has multiple mutations in their DNA that's either affect them in a good or bad way. …show more content…

It has really helped Biologist in many ways. They don't just help figure out the traits between two offsprings but help determine what type blood a child may and more. Without punnett squares Biologist or even normal people can't understand the basic information of genetics and traits between two parents and more. The punnett square relates to me because if I were to put my mom's and dad's type of blood in a punnett square I will be able to figure out the blood I

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