Musical Piece, Romeo and Juliet Overture: Love Theme by Tchaikovsky

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The infamous story of Romeo and Juliet has been replicated in many mediums. Tchaikovsky created his own version of Romeo and Juliet in his music piece entitled Romeo and Juliet Overture: Love Theme. Tchaikovsky chose to divide his piece into different sections representing parts of the play. This beautiful piece provides an accurate representation of Romeo and Juliet in a different medium because of Tchaikovsky’s dynamics, his choice of instruments, and the sound of the music.
Tchaikovsky’s first movement within the play represents when Romeo and Juliet meet for the first time. This is represented by the smooth even sound of the the violin with the dreamlike strumming of the harp echoing softly in the background (Tchaikovsky, 1:30 - 2:00). The harp is often known as the instrument of love, and the immense infatuation with each other. The beauty of the harp, and its gentle sounds conveys the same fragility and elegance of the love between Romeo and Juliet. The sound of the harp very soft, but it is key instrument within the piece of music. It is delicate instrument, yet it sticks out prominently. Its sound is rich, yet it has a tender feeling as well. This contrast is present in Romeo and Juliet as well. They are from opposing households, and they have almost nothing in common, yet they fit together in harmony. Their families have fought for years, yet their love sees through the tensions between their families. As the music builds up in this section, this represents the initial shyness and hesitancy between Romeo and Juliet. (Tchaikovsky, 3:51 - 3:59) Though Romeo is smitten from when he first lays eyes on Juliet, she is originally apprehensive because Romeo was courting her so quickly. However, her true feelings overcome her desi...

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...thus ending their row and creating a better and more peaceful world around them. The long, resonating final note of the piece is a reminder of the tragic and doomed story of their devotion to each other. (Tchaikovsky, 10:44 - 10:54) Though Romeo and Juliet are gone, they leave behind a legacy and a reminder of the pain that their family’s conflict created, and will forever be a cautionary warning of the consequences of discord.
The tale of Romeo and Juliet, though tragic, is a beautiful and tender story of love. Tchaikovsky captures the essence of the tale in his music piece, because of its sweet melodies, his selection of instruments, and his ability to have the same feeling within his composition. Though the story of Romeo and Juliet’s fatal death is dark and desolate, their true infatuation and devotion to each other provides an example of the purest form of love.

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