Multiple Immigration Risk

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Immigrants take multiple risk like human traffickers are people who act like they will help multiple immigrants but end up really selling them for sex or even killing them or raping them. There are many immigrants like them who are in drug cartels will kill other immigrants who know to much about them. There are prisons for immigrants which are brutal it is no room because how many are caught by US border patrol. These are only just some risk immigrants take.Many adults and kids would love to be in America so they take multiple risks to come to here. They can get hurt or even raped or killed. An American is someone who serves the country in some kind of way. Undocumented people work jobs that many people do not want, many pay taxes, and serve in many different ways.Or just help somebody everyday. I feel if you are born here or if you want to live here for at least 3 years …show more content…

For example Immigrants housekeeping, Sewing machine operator and Tailors. Many normal people do not take these type of jobs but Immigrants have to take them to get work. That is only 1 of the many risk Immigrants have to take in order to survive like us to live in this world. All they want to do is just get an normal life because they hear America is the land of the free but certain people teach them badly.Many Immigrant pay taxes like us even though they are classified as second class citizens. They should be able to pay less taxes than us. They pay more than Donald Trump in taxes. Undocumented immigrants pay 12 billion taxes each year. Many of them can not even get an green car because how much money it takes.Immigrants serve in many different ways. For example many of them have jobs and many try to speak but can`t. Many immigrants are very smart and can get very good jobs to help America. Some citizens of America can´t even get jobs. Most immigrants actually have jobs just to pay taxes or loans they take from banks or

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