Multicultural Reflection

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Growing up I lived a luxurious life; I lived in a lake house, my mom stayed at home to take care of us, we went on family vacations across the world yearly and I didn’t understand the culturally diverse world which we live in. As I got older and began to take notice of the different diversities and lifestyles throughout the world I began to see the great divide between my life and many others. My first eye opening experience was in grade 10 when I partook on my first mission trip to Jamaica. I had been to Jamaica before, however the last time I was there I was at an all-inclusive resort not paying attention to the culture of the country, this time it was different, I was submerged in to the authentic culture of Saint Lucia. Each day we would …show more content…

As a teacher I hope to encourage these beliefs as I feel they can diversify and inform my own understanding of the many diversities within my classroom, by doing this I feel I would be promoting multiculturalism through being culturally responsive.
Another class that I took at Mount Royal University was beginner Spanish, this class proved to be the most difficult class I would encounter. Learning another language was far more challenging than I imagined and caused immense stress, because this class was a beginner level it was taught in English, and even with this advantage I failed. This class taught me the struggle of learning a new language and all of the little things incorporated with learning a new language; you aren’t just learning new words, you’re learning grammar, syntax, sentence structure, and so much more. When an ELL comes into a mainstream English speaking classroom I cannot imagine the stress and confusion that they have. I remember feeling embarrassed to ask questions because I thought they were stupid questions, and I know this is how ELL’s feel, so I come to wonder how I can suppress this feeling of un-comfort and embarrassment for my future classroom. One way I hope to suppress these feelings would

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