Mrs. Birling as the Most Responsible for the Suicide in J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls

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Mrs. Birling as the Most Responsible for the Suicide in J.B. Priestley's An Inspector Calls

Mrs. Birling was the last member of the family to see Eva Smith alive:

Eva went in desperation to the charitable committee that she chaired,

having nowhere else to turn. Mrs. Birling admits that she prejudiced

the committee to turn her application for help down, leaving Eva no

real option but to commit suicide. Sadly, Mrs. Birling feels no guilt

for what she did, telling the inspector, 'In the circumstances I think

I was justified'. Yet she cannot be held solely responsible for Eva's

death, because of the whole chain of events that led up to her meeting

with Eva. As the inspector forcefully tells the family just before he

leaves, 'each of you helped to kill her'.

Mrs. Birling herself reminds Mr. Birling of his role in the tragedy:

'Please remember that before you start accusing me of anything again

that it wasn't I who had her turned out of her employment - which

probably began it all'

Mrs. Birling must be in a lot of stress to speak to her husband so

bitterly: usually they maintained a united front. She is right,

however: Mr. Birlings sacking of Eva (according to the inspector) was

feeling desperate. She had little money, no work and few friends; had

she kept her job, all would have been well. Mr. Birling, though, like

his wife, feels no remorse and states I was quite justified.

Sheila realises that she too, is caught up in Eva's history when the

Inspector mentions what happened at Milwards. Eva was fortunate to be

taken on there, but Sheila's jealous spite cost her the last regular

job she had. Sheila tries to explain that it didn't seem to be

anything that terrible at the time, but is aware of the enormity of

her guilt. She is so conscience-struck that she is even prepared to

shoulder the entire blame - So I'm really responsible.

The Inspector reassures Sheila that she is not entirely responsible

and goes on to explain how Eva changed her name to Daisy Renton.

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