Mr Lemoncello's Library Olympics Book Report

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Chris Grabenstein’s book, Mr. Lemoncello’s Library Olympics was spectacular. I definitely enjoyed reading this 266 page adventure. I relished this book because it was based on competition- and if you don’t know me I live for competition. I definitely connected with the main character- Kyle Keeley because he will do anything to beat his opponent(s), which includes him running through a thorny rose bush, destroying a few petunias, hurdling some shrubs, and “accidentally breaking a basement window,” just to beat his brothers in a single board game. I haven’t done anything to that extreme, but if there is a “win” on the line, there’s no doubt I might wreck a few things blocking my path. Throughout the book Mr. Lemoncello’s Library Olympics there were many marvelous parts, but there was one that I liked best. My favorite part was when Kyle and Mr. Peckleman had huge stakes on a deal they made. If Kyle got Mr. Peckleman’s riddle wrong, then Woodrow “Woody” Peckleman would burn some of the most popular books from Mr. Lemoncello’s world-known library, burn 32 “go-to-college-free” cards which would crush his new fellow “Library Olympian” friend’s spirits, and as it says in the book: “Mr. Lemoncello” (the gazillionaire) “is going to leave town and his awesomely incredible library will get turned into Mrs. Borington’s Snoozeville Book Depository.” If Kyle Keeley answered the riddle correctly then Woody would not …show more content…

My mother read Mr. Lemoncello’s Library Olympics book and she answered “it was a captivating read, filled with adventure and easily relatable to teens” when I asked her about her thoughts on the book. I wouldn't suggest this wonderful book to you, unless you have read the first book in the series- Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library. If you have read Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library, then Mr. Lemoncello’s Library Olympics will be a super special read for you, just like it was for

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